FAQs artistas

Everything you need to know about Nonoki

To become an artist on Nonoki, you must first register as a user on our platform. Then, go to the “Register as an Artist” section in your user profile and follow the instructions to submit a request. Our team will review your application and notify you once you are approved as an artist.

If your artist profile is already on Nonoki but you have not claimed it, you can contact us through the “Claim your profile” section. Follow the necessary instructions to claim your artist profile.

The criteria to be accepted as an artist on Nonoki include correct completion of the application fields and also the audiovisual works contributed must meet the quality standards of the platform included in the statutes.

If you have received notification that you have been rejected, review the statutes and ensure compliance with them to be accepted as an Artist. If, on the other hand, you have not received a response to your request or have additional questions, please contact our support team.

Approval time for an artist request at Nonoki can vary, but we typically process requests within 1-2 weeks. We will notify you by email once a decision has been made on your application.

You will receive an email notification informing you of the status of your application. If you have been accepted as an artist on Nonoki, instructions to set up your profile and start managing your music will be included in that email.

Nonoki offers numerous benefits to artists, including visibility on a popular streaming platform, access to promotional tools, data analysis, the ability to connect with fans and collaborators, and the opportunity to participate in our program to increase your audience and visibility.

On Nonoki, artists have access to a variety of tools, such as the ability to manage their music, customize their profile, check streaming statistics, schedule releases, and participate in special campaigns.

Once your artist account is verified, you can upload your singles or albums by easily linking them to your songs on YouTube.

Verified profiles are currently only available to ambassadors in our Nonoki Ambassadors program.

Our Ambassadors are featured artists on Nonoki who help promote the platform and other artists. If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, you can contact us to learn more about this program and how it works.

If you encounter problems setting up your artist profile, we recommend that you visit our FAQs and user manual. If you still cannot resolve the issue, please contact our support team (artistsupport@nonoki.com).

If you experience difficulties setting up your discography on Nonoki, we suggest you visit our FAQs and user manual. If you still cannot resolve the issue, please contact our support team (artistsupport@nonoki.com).

  1. Artist Profile Application
    • To request the creation of an artist profile on our platform, users must meet the following requirements:
  2. Information Compliance
    • Applicants must complete all information fields accurately and truthfully. This includes providing complete contact and biographical information.
  3. Identity Documentation
    • Applicants must provide identity documents showing both sides, displaying their face alongside the front of the identity document. The documents must meet the following criteria:
      • They must be current.
      • They must be legible and of high quality.
      • They must be complete and not partially obscured.
  4. Correct Musical Content
    • It will not be possible to upload audios that are not considered musical compositions unless they belong to understand a complete work.
    • Content that is racist, violent or violates our policies will not be allowed (they will go through a prior YouTube filter).
    • Accepted types of music content include original music, remixes and covers, as long as copyright is adhered to and legal regulations are followed.
  5. Licenses and Copyright
    • Artists must ensure they have the appropriate licenses for the music they wish to upload and that they respect copyright. Current legal regulations must be followed.
  1. Failure to Meet Previous Points
    • The artist profile will be denied in case of non-compliance with any of the requirements mentioned in Section 1.
  2. Incorrect Information
    • The absence of information fields or the submission of false information in the artist profile will result in denial.
  3. Inadequate Documentation
    • The profile application will be denied if the provided documentation is insufficient, expired, illegible, or of low quality, or if identity theft is detected.
  4. Unapproved Musical Content
    • Artist profiles with musical content that does not meet our criteria will not be approved. This includes content that is not considered music or is not original.
  1. Verification Criteria Definition
    • We will establish criteria for verifying artist profiles. Verification will be exclusive to platform Ambassadors.
  2. Verification Revocation
    • We reserve the right to revoke the verification of an artist profile in case of non-compliance with our criteria or for the following reasons:
      • Improper use of verification.
      • Serious violation of our policies.
      • Change in circumstances justifying revocation.
  1. Change of Identity / Impersonation
    • Artist profiles cannot change their image or name after verification. Impersonation will result in profile cancellation.
  2. Non-Original or Harmful Content
    • Uploading content that does not belong to the artist or is harmful, violent, or does not fit the platform’s theme will result in profile cancellation.
  3. Ongoing Compliance
    • Artists must continuously comply with our requirements and policies to keep their profile active on the platform. Consistent non-compliance may lead to profile cancellation.
  1. Complete Application Template
    • Those interested in joining the Ambassador program must complete an application template, including information about their artist profile, achievements, motivations for joining the program, and commitments they are willing to make.
  2. Evaluation Criteria
    • To be considered for the Ambassador program, applicants will be evaluated by a panel based on the following criteria:
      1. Talent
        • The quality of the music and the artistic ability of the applicant.
      2. Originality
        • The artist’s ability to offer a unique and creative approach in their music
      3. Number of Followers
        • The size of their follower base on the platform.
      4. Career Projection
        • The viability and long-term prospects of their artistic career.
      5. Production Quality
        • The quality of their music production and recordings
      6. Presence/Notability
        • The artist’s public image and impact on the platform’s community.
  1. How to Apply for the Program
    • Artists interested in joining the Ambassador program must submit an application through a form provided by the platform. The application must include the required template and will be evaluated by the designated jury.
  1. Control and Compliance Monitoring of Actions
    • Ambassadors must commit to promoting the platform and spreading their music through specific actions. The platform will monitor the compliance with these actions, and ambassadors must regularly report on their activities.
  1. Contract with Ambassadors
    • Each ambassador will sign a contract detailing their responsibilities, the actions they must carry out, the program’s duration, and any benefits or compensation provided. The contract will also establish expectations for both parties and any revocation clauses.
  2. Ambassador Status Revocation
    • The platform reserves the right to revoke ambassador status in case of serious non-compliance with the obligations established in the contract, violation of the platform’s policies, or any other justified reason.

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